Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) operates two AXYS WindSentinel lidar buoys for the U.S. Use of a 360-Degree Underwater Camera to Characterize Artificial Reef and Fish Aggregating Effects around Marine Energy Devices. This dataset is associated with the journal manuscript below (linked in resources): Hemery, L.G. This dataset contains all the raw video files collected at dawn, noon and dusk on, and, for about 1h each time. The videos are MOV files that can be more » viewed individually with any video reader but need to be stitched together to create the 360-degree footage. The Boxfish 360 is made of 3 cameras each recording its own set of videos. It was generated to test the ability of using this type of camera mounted on an aluminum frame as a video lander to monitor the artificial reef effect of marine energy devices and associated seafloor structures. This dataset contains the underwater 360-degree video files recorded with a Boxfish 360 camera in La Jolla, CA, near a gravity base anchor of the CalWave xWave wave energy converter in December 2021 over three days, at dawn, noon, and dusk. Wave decorrelation lengths were found to be inversely proportional to the width of the spectrum, and wave speeds compared well against linear wave theory. The Spotter’s low cost and compact form factor enabled unique field deployments of multiple wave measurement buoys for direct measurements of wave characteristics such as ocean wave decorrelation length scales, wave speed, and directional spread. Overall, Spotter-derived bulk statistical parameters were within 10% of respective Datawell-derived quantities. Spotter wave measurements show excellent fidelity and lend a high degree of confidence in data quality. Spotter evaluations included time-domain validation (i.e., wave by wave) and comparisons of wave spectra, directional moments, and bulk statistical parameters such as significant wave height, peak period, mean wave direction, and more » directional spread.

#Xwave station series#
To evaluate the data quality of the Spotter device, we performed a series of validation experiments that included comparisons between Spotter-derived motions and prescribed wave motions (monochromatic and random waves) on a custom-built, motion-controlled validation stand and simultaneous in-water measurements using a conventional wave measurement buoy, the Datawell DWR-G4 (Datawell). The Spotter is a low-cost, real-time, solar-powered wave measurement buoy that was recently developed by Spoondrift Technologies, Inc. These files have the extension '.mat' but use the root filename of the source. mat files are contained in the subdirectories 'Data_Mat'. Each deployment directory also contains a description (in 'File.list') of the Datawell binary data files, and a figure ('Hs_vs_yearday') showing the significant wave height associated with each. Each '.SDT' file contains summary statistics for the month more » indicated computed at half-hour intervals for each burst. '.RDT' files contain 3 days of time series (at 1.28 Hz) in 30 minute "bursts". These are located in the subdirectories 'Data_Raw' in each of the top-level deployment directories. Time series and summary data were recorded in the buoy to binary files with extensions '.RDT' and '.SDT', respectively.
#Xwave station zip#
The data files are contained in the two directories within the zip file, "Apr_July_2012" and "Jun_Sept_2013".
#Xwave station manuals#
The compressed (.zip) file contains Datawell MK-III Directional Waverider binary and unpacked data files as well as a description of the data and manuals for the instrumentation. In post-processing, high-fidelity wave resolution will be used to associate individual waves with onboard measurements from Fiber Bragg Grating strain gauges and external pressure = , Throughout the deployment, the CoastScout buoys will provide near-real-time bulk wave parameters to help CalWave operators safely and efficiently operate the WEC. CalWave used 5-Hz wave train data from this period to drive physical hardware-in-the-loop tests of the XWave power take-off. The CoastScout buoys maintained 100% uptime throughout an initial 6- month intercomparison period. Both CoastScout hull types showed excellent agreement with the reference Datawell Directional Waverider MkIII (Hs r 2=0.94, m0 r 2=0.88). The buoys are positioned approximately 300m from a longterm wave monitoring station operated by the Coastal Data Information Program. Two MarineLabs CoastScout™ buoys were deployed off La Jolla, California in February 2020 to provide high-resolution wave elevation time series data in support of CalWave Power Technologies’ XWave WEC deployment.